miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Prostheceraeus vittatus (Planaria listada)

Este hermoso animal es un gusano marino del Tipo Platelmintos (gusanos planos o planarias) y concretamente de la clase turbelarios.

Se caracterizan por su simplicidad, pues tienen un intestino simple o ramificado pero cerrado al exterior. La boca es inferior y evaginable. Esta especie se alimenta de Clavelinas, que son las ascidias transparentes que la acompañan en la fotografía.

El nombre del género (Prostheceraeus) significa antenas hacia delante. Tiene un cuerpo ahusado y se desplaza o bien mediante la capa de microcilios que tapiza su cara inferior o bien por contracciones de las fibras musculares que producen esas ondulaciones características de los bordes del cuerpo.

Dondice banyulensis

Presenta 3 líneas blancas longitudinales que recorren el dorso: una media que se bifurca en la cabeza y dos laterales. Otra banda blanca discurre por el margen del pie. Calvín escribe que hay distintas opiniones respecto a la alimentación de este nudibranquio. Algunos autores consideran que ingiere algas y anélidos, y otros sostienen que se alimenta de hidrarios Eudendrium sp. e incluso algunos proponen una nutrición a base de opistobranquios como Flabellina affinis o Cratena peregrina

Dondice banyulensis

El buceador puede reconocer a esta especie por dos aspectos que la hacen inconfundible. En primer lugar, destaca por su tamaño relativamente grande, ya que puede alcanzar hasta (60) 70 mm. Por otra parte, su color naranja vivo es muy característico.

Los palpos orales son largos. Estos tentáculos labiales también son de tonalidad naranja, como los rinóforos y las ceratas (apéndices dorsales), aunque la parte apical es blanca. Los rinóforos tienen estrías o anillos transversales. Según la bibliografía, las ceratas, que son largas, pueden ser erizadas cuando el animal es molestado, simulando el aspecto de una anémona.

Flabellina babais

Otra babais con otra pose.
Esta especie se la puede encontrar en fondos rocosos a partir de los 15 metros de profundidad. Fue citada por primera vez en el litoral español por José C. García Gómez en 1986 a partir de ejemplares observados en la isla de Tarifa (abril y agosto de 1982).

Flabellina babais

Nudibranquio de tamaño relativamente grande, pudiendo alcanzar los 40 ó 50 mm de longitud. Su aspecto general es blanco lechoso, hialino, con un ligero brillo azulado. Dos líneas blancas recorren longitudinalmente el dorso pasando por la base de las ceratas y otro par de líneas bordea el margen del pie. Los ápices de los rinóforos y de los apéndices son de color naranja pálido. Según la guía de Steven Weinberg, el nombre común de esta especie es "flabelina blanca".

Los rinóforos poseen lamelas y la longitud de éstos es inferior a la de los tentáculos orales. Las ceratas están reunidas en grupos, siendo el número de éstos variable entre 7 y 12. Cada grupo tiene de 2 a 5 ceratas que parten de un pedúnculo común. Los grupos anteriores poseen un número más elevado de ceras y su disposición -observada lateralmente- asemeja una ala.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Elysia viridis nudibranch

This is one of the tiniest nudibranchs I´ve seen.  Adults are normally less than 1cm long, and often only 6-7mm long.  You really need an excellent macro lens to fully capture all of its details, like the tiny red dots on its green dorsal area.  But I thought I´d put this in anyway.  When I can get a better shot of one, I´ll include it.

Cratena peregrina nudibranch

Two cratena peregrinas are seen as they are either eating the algae or using it as a place to lay their eggs.  Nudibranchs are hermaphroditic, that is, they are both male and female and each fertilizes and is fertilized.  An interesting way to ensure continuance of the species.  Normally, their size is in the 3cm-4cm range.  Their bodies are milk-white, with orange dots for eyes and their branchia are orange with fluorescent blue tips. Quite a lovely animal.

Tube worm Espirógrafo (Spirographis spallanzani)

Pure poetry and grace.  Watching one of these gracefully swaying in a lazy current is hypnotizing and peaceful.  And it´s a worm!!  What you see here are its feeding "arms" which have tiny "hairs" which capture prey and bring it to its mouth, in the center and hidden within its tube.  The tube can be very large, measuring over 50 cm for the really large tube worms, though 15cm-20cm in length would be the more common length one would find.

Red octopus Pulpo rojo (Octopus macropus)

This species of octopus is a bit less frequent than the traditional octopus.  This one was photographed while it was out hunting.  Notice the regular, white protuberances along its reddish tentacles.  Though it can change both color and texture, as can all cephalopods, these tend to be more reddish than the octopus vulgaris.

The "Fried Egg" Jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata)

Here we have a top view of the "Fried Egg" jellyfish.  You can see why it´s got its name, though I wouldn´t recommend putting one in a frying pan with butter!  Definitely not edible.  It´s one more beautiful creature of the sea, and watching it swim along makes me aware of the effort it takes to swim, or just to move, for any animal.  Enjoy the photo, but don´t touch these...they sting!

The "Fried Egg" Jellyfish (Cotylorhiza tuberculata)

As jellyfish go, this one is one of the most colorful ones found near the coast.  As an oddity, certain species of fish fry seek refuge under its mantle and among its tentacles, immune to its venom.  It´s called a "fried egg" jellyfish due to its circular, sun-yellow dome on the top, which you´ll see in the next photo.  They can get up to 25 cm or more in diameter.

Fight between "tordos de roca" (Pelea entre Symphodus mediterraneus)

These two beautiful little heavyweights were a pleasant surprise on a spring dive.  They were fighting over territorial rights and were totally oblivious of me.  We watched them for a few minutes, then left while they were still fighting.  Small, usually around 15 cm, they nevertheless are very adamant about defending their territory.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Janolus cristatus nudibranch

This was only the second cristatus I´d ever seen, but it was immediately recognizable, as one can imagine.  Its body is such a creative collection of tubular appendages that it can´t be anything else but a cristatus.  Its orange body makes it a striking figure down on the bottom.  As a commentary on mankind, if one looks closely a fishing line going around it can be seen about mid-body, though the nudibranch suffered no injury.  A gorgeous animal.  That day we saw 2, which made that dive unforgettable.

Janolus cristatus nudibranch

In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful and unique nudibranchs which can be found in the Mediterranean.  Its size is around 4cm, and its body looks like a translucent collection of tubular bubbles trying to float up.  Its head area is on the right (you can see the rhinophores) and it has thin white stripes running along its back.  Each time I see one of these I want to take a dozen photos of it, then take it home.  If I ever have an aquarium, I´d love to populate it with nudibranchs, with this one being the first.

Dondice banyulensis nudibranch

Here we have another dondice banyulensis.  Its branchia can be clearly seen, being bunched together in regular intervals on both sides of its body.  And its white border can also be clearly distinguished.  The adults of this particular nudibranch are normally between 3cm-4cm, though we have seen some giants of up to 6cm.

Dondice banyulensis nudibranch

How beautiful is this?!  Another example of Nature´s infinite diversity within a species.  Its body is translucent, several of its internal organs are visible, and its branchia are the orange spikes.  And fluorescent to boot!  Its extended rhinophores lend to its grace and beauty.  Another underwater beauty.  Enjoy the view.

Octopus (pulpo común; octopus vulgaris)

Here´s a nice photo of an octopus in its den.  It was sitting there on its front porch watching the world go by when we came by.  As you can see, it "circled its wagons" in a defensive posture.  Look at the size of its suckers!  Keep in mind that an octopus can exert incredible strength, much more than a grown man, as many of us can attest to.  Some will play with you, others won´t.  This one was just enjoying a nice morning on the bottom, so we took a few photos and went on our way.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Red gorgonia coral, a sea grouper and Juan (Les Medes, Catalunya, Spain)

This photo would never win a prize in an underwater photography competition, but we don´t take pictures for that reason.  We love to record what´s underwater.  Here, my longtime friend and dive partner, Juan Sánchez, is trying to photograph this sea grouper.  I couldn´t resist the beauty of the red and blue mixed with sunlight above.  The light on the left is from my flash.  But I still like the shot and what it represents.  Enjoy.

Moray eel, in Cabo de Gata (Almeria, Spain)

A wonderful welcome to Cabo de Gata by this moray eel.  We found that the morays in Cabo de Gata, and especially in Murcia, had much more of a personality than those of the Costa Brava, our homebase.  This one was caught out in the open and assumed this menacing pose--perfect for a weird photographer like me!  So I took the photo, silently thanked him, and we continued our dive.  The morays we´ve found in Spain are generally shy and fearful of divers and will flee if they can.  We always give them one or two ways to swim off because we don´t want their teeth meeting our skin.  Notice the beautiful coloration.  Truly a beautiful animal.

Platydoris argo nudibranch, in Murcia, Spain

Here´s another platydoris argo, also in Murcia, but of a different color.  Its front is to the left of the photo, and its branchia are the brownish weedlike protuberances on the right.  It can retract its branchia at the slightest sign of danger, or for any other reason.  The average size of this nudibranch is around 10cm-12cm long by about 6cm-7cm wide.

Platydoris argo nudibranch, in Murcia, Spain

This is a strange nudibranch, but actually ALL look like they come from another planet.  Nudibranchs vary so greatly in size, shape, color, habitat, etc.  The unique aspect of all nudibranchs is that they breathe through external, thus the prefix "nudi", branchia, giving us the word "nudibranch.  I´m no scientist, so if anyone wants to learn more about these opistobranchs, look it up!

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Juan and a starfish (Juan y una estrella de mar)

Although it looks like a night dive, it isn´t.  This was at Sa Rascassa, on the Costa Brava, with reduced visibility.  You can find interesting things if you take the time, and have the knowledge, to look around.  Even a starfish can catch your eye in the right situation.

Cuttlefish eye close-up (Macro del ojo de una sepia)

Is this a beautiful shot or not?  How would you like to see such an eye, with flourescent skin radiating light all around it.  Your own lightshow!  This was a male cuttlefish protecting its mate while she was laying her eggsacks in some Neptune grass.  I got about 2.5 inches from its eye and took this picture.  It´s one of my favorites.

Mosaic Stingray (Raya mosaico)

The beauty of this magnificent animal cannot be underestimated.  Its design and pattern are unbelievable.  We found 2 on this dive, a night dive in Tossa de Mar a few years ago.  Sadly, that area had been damaged by storms and artificial sand brought in every summer for the tourist season.  The storms carry the sand out, where it settles on the bottom, killing all life which lives there.  The rays and other bentonic life must go elsewhere.  I haven´t seen one of these rays in 3-4 years, but I´m sure they´re still somewhere.  I hope to see one soon.

Juan, in an underwater pass (Juan, en un pasillo subaquático)

This was taken in L'Escala, at Illa Mateua.  We were just enjoying ourselves and I thought this was a nice photo of my long-time dive partner, Juan Sánchez.  I think he´s smiling.

Octopus (Pulpo común)

Here we have a nice shot of an octopus as it swims.  The yellow tube below its eye is what allows it to have such great acceleration because that´s what it uses to pump water out, thus creating a type of "jet propulsion".  And it´s coloration is also quite noticeable, since it can change color and texture at will.  A remarkable animal, which tastes superb if cooked properly!

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Siguiebdo al rape 2

Siguiendo al rape

Paciencia de un rape

Marthasterias glacialis (Estrella común)

Estrella de cuerpo robusto y siempre con cinco brazos subcilíndricos y afilados. Los brazos poseen gruesas protuberancias en series longitudinales provistas de fuertes espinas características de esta especie. En la base de las espinas hay un anillo de pedicelarios. El color varía del verde al rojizo o al pardo con zonas claras. Las espinas suelen tener la punta uiolácea. Es la estrella más grande que existe en el Mediterráneo, y no resulta difícil verla mientras come. Se alimenta sobre todo de moluscos bivalvos, cuyas valvas abre con los brazos. Cuando el molusco está lo bastante abierto, la estrella evagina su estómago, que envuelve y digiere su presa. También se alimenta de erizos de mar, crustáceos y restos de organismos muertos. Se reproduce entre noviembre y febrero.

Neosimnia spelta (Ciprea)

Molusco gasterópodo de unos 15 a 22 milímetros de longitud que se le puede encontrar sobre algunas gorgonias, como por ejemplo la gorgonia blanca Eunicella singularis o las del género Paramuricea, ya que se alimenta de los pólipos de estos cnidarios.

La concha es fusiforme, de color blanco, y suele aparecer recubierta por el manto del animal.

Es una especie poco abundante y se la puede observar tanto en inmersiones diurnas como nocturnas, a partir de los 10 metros de profundidad, que es la cota donde se empiezan a ver las gorgonias blancas.

Rape (macro del ojo)

Que preciosidad de ojo, con sus pestañas de punta y el colorido arco iris.


Otra vista de éste bonito ejemplar, donde se observa sus ramas colgantes


Parece algo enfadado, pero la verdad es que se dejó hacer de todo. Precioso.

Clathrina clathrus (Esponja)

Esponja incrustante capaz de formar almohadillas formadas por finos tubos convolutos entrelazados. Estos tubos, traslúcidos, son blandos al tacto, porque la parte calcárea se limita a las espículas de forma casi cilíndrica. Los ósculos se encuentran en el extremo de los tubos de mayor tamaño. El color siempre es amarillo limón muy vivo. Estructura formada por tubos finos entrelazados formando un retículo. Color amarillo. Esta especie alcanza la madurez sexual a mediados de marzo y en abril. Produce los huevos entre febrero y noviembre. Los espermatozoides quedan libres en el agua y entran en otra esponja a través de los poros inhalantes. La fecundación es interna. El huevo fecundado da lugar a una larva, que es expulsada.

Ircinia fasciculata (Esponja)

Esta es una esponja de forma redondeada, entre 6 y 15 centímetros de diámetro, de consistencia firme y muy resistente. Puede crecer de muy diversas maneras, y en ocasiones muestra lóbulos erguidos como torres. Su superficie se encuentra cubierta de pequeños conos, entre los que se sitúan los numerosos ostiolos del animal. Los ósculos son muy llamativos, tanto por su tamaño, como por su situación, pues en general están en la parte alta de las protuberancias.

El esqueleto está formado por fibras de espongina y carece de espículas.

Su coloración varía del gris oscuro al pardo.

Vive fija en regiones próximas al litoral, en zonas de hidrodinámica moderada, sobre fondos duros o de coralígeno, hasta los 40 metros de profundidad. Es poco abundante en el mar Mediterráneo.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011


Estos gusanitos son mi debilidad, porque para mi tienen un belleza que quita el hipo.

Erizo común (macro)


Este ermitaño tiene como casa un sabroso manjar, son dos ostras como veis muy guapas

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

Tossa de Mar: Raya mosaico: Macro de su ojo (Mosaic stingray: Eye close-up)

Here´s another close-up of a mosaic stingray´s eye.  The goldleaf is not as pronounced as in the other photo, but you can clearly see its golden "branches".  I never tire of photographing one of these beautiful animals.

Tossa de Mar: Raya mosaico: Macro de su ojo (Mosaic stingray: Eye close-up)

Perhaps the most exotic eyes of the animal kingdom.  Look at its goldleaf iris, not to mention its mosaic skin.  We´ve photographed their eyes from a distance of 5 centimeters, which is a privilege and source of great satisfaction. 

Tossa de Mar: Raya mosaico (Mosaic stingray)

This is perhaps the most beautiful fish, and one of the most beautiful animals, I´ve ever seen in the Mediterranean.  We´ve found them all along the Costa Brava at certain times of the year.  They cover themselves with sand while they rest.  If discovered, they usually stay put.  We´ve taken close-ups of their eyes, which you´ll see in other photos.  I always feel happy when I see one of these.

Garrapata en un tordo (Parasite on a labrid)

Here we have a parasite which has attached itself to the underbelly of a labrid.  It feeds off its host, eventually weakening the animal, in some cases causing its death.  This was taken at night while the fish was asleep.

Macro de un ojo de rape (Close-up of a monkfish's eye)

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Les Medes: A tough day for one sea grouper

Les Medes: Juan and the sea grouper

Les Medes: Cova del dolfí

Les Medes: gorgonia rojo (Red gorgonia coral).

A study of beauty in red.  When I´m underwater and see something like this, I experience a feeling of inner peace, something which is hard to feel on land.

Les Medes: gorgonia rojo y amarillo (Red and yellow gorgonia coral) with a visitor

Les Medes: gorgonia rojo y amarillo (Red and yellow gorgonia coral)

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011


No os podeis imaginar la belleza de contemplar éste bello ejemplar blanco profundo, bailar al son del movimiento del mar.

Sertella Septentrionalis (Encaje de Neptuno)

La belleza de éste entramado del rey del mar.

Vive en fondos rocosos y umbrios o en praderas de posidonias. Mediterraneo y Atlantico.
Presenta una coloracion asalmonada y rosada. Las colonias son erectas y reticuladas con expansiones laminares rigidas onduladas en forma de copa, que le dan aspecto de encaje. Se alimenta atrapando particulas nutritivas directamente del medio

Dondice banyulensis

3ª pose. donde se observan sus órganos interiores