sábado, 12 de enero de 2013

Scorpaena scrofa (Red sea scorpionfish)

Here are two different red sea scorpionfish which I photographed on our last dive (Jan. 11th).  They are ambush hunters--they blend in with their surroundings both by coloration and by all of those leaf-like protuberances on their faces.  The rest of their body is that of a typical fish.  These two close-ups give you an idea of how well they´ve evolved to become master ambush hunters.  They grow to just under 2 feet in length (< 60cm) and are lightning fast when they strike.  Most of the time they are lying on the bottom, waiting.  You can approach to less than 2 feet, which is what I did to take these close-ups.  Enjoy the detail of each face.

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