domingo, 17 de junio de 2012

Yungia aurantiaca and Leptomysis spec.

This photo yielded an unexpected treasure, at least for me.  Juan and I did a night dive, and at the very end of our dive I found this beautiful planaria, or flatworm.  We hadn't seen this particular species for an unusual length of time (we saw three on this dive) so we wanted to take a lot of photos.  This "orange planaria" measures between 2cm-3cm and used to be quite common along the Costa Brava.  The unexpected treat was being able to photograph all of these tiny crustaceans that stand out in contrast to the planaria. These tiny animals rarely exceed 10mm and form part of the food chain as zooplankton for small fish.  Click on the zoom-in and enjoy a rare treat.  Ah, yes.  I also nailed the grains of sand perfectly!

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